Well everyone, it's the end of week 4. Saturday is my halfway mark in the MTC, and things have leveled for me emotionally, I've become much more comfortable with Vietnamese, the obedience is much easier, and life in general is a lot less dramatic. For this, I am grateful.
I still have the best companion at the MTC. Life here is so routine it's hard to tell one day from the next. Days are long, weeks are short. I've heard many people say it, and it's true. The days can be long and exhausting, and then you get to a Sunday and you're thinking, wait, what happened to the other 6 days.
I'm definitely grateful that I get to be at the MTC for 9 weeks. There are a lot of things I needed to grow up about, and a lot of humilty that I needed to learn. I'm not perfect, I probably won't be perfect, but I've realized that I can't always be right, even though I am (^_-). Sometimes I just have to accept the fact that other people have other opinions and they aren't wrong, they're just different. I've definitely learned that you have to teach by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. Without his direction, none of the lessons that I give would have any meaning, literally -- my sentences don't make sense in Vietnamese most of the time (But I'm trying) --.
I hope this finds all of you well. I know you're all awesome and amazing and I love you all.
Wishing you the best,
An Uncommon Elder
Elder Timothy Scott Ryan