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So, it's week 3 (technically speaking end of week 2) and things are moving along at the MTC. I've had a lot of challenges, but overall, it has been very rewarding.
There are a lot of opportunities here at the MTC to come closer to Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. As we study daily, attend devotionals, and do the work of the Lord, we are definitely blessed.
The experience here is definitely to refine us as men and women and to get us in the mindset that we are not doing our own work, but the work of God as representatives of Jesus Christ. I have had the most amazing companion who is incredibly respectful, dilligent and hardworking. Often times, he makes me look bad with the amount of effort he puts forth. His example makes me want to be a better person and missionary.
This last Sunday was Easter Sunday. For Easter, they had an MTC wide sacrament meeting. As the MTC currently has 3,000 missionaries, there were 3,000 missionaies partaking of the sacrament at the same time. It was amazing. I could feel the spirit of the Lord so strong, and the symbolism of the sacrament was so apparent. I'm grateful to be a follower of Christ.
So, on to the language. It's been difficult. I hardly understand any of it, and my memorization skills have gone out the window, but I'm still working at it and trying, and little by little it's coming. (that was an awkward sentence, and I know if I put some effort into it I could make it better, but I don't really care at the present time.) So far we've taught 4 lessons to "investigators" (our teachers) and they've definitely improved since our first. Even though I'm still reading out of my phrase books, and pages and pages of notes, my reading comprehension and fluency has improved so now I'm somewhat coherent. In a few more weeks I will be able to teach a whole lesson without notes -- I hope -- .
For those of you LDS people reading this, how is your Home Teaching coming? For the Sisters, How is your Visiting Teaching coming? For everyone else, what have you done this week to help someone, or to befriend someone, or to make someone else's day seem brighter? If you can't give a positive response, I want to challenge you to try. Do something small everyday.
With all my best,
An Uncommon Elder
Elder Timothy Scott Ryan

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