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Birthdays, Sundays and Fun days

So, I am officially 22. The mission has just gotten a lot different. The Vietnamese program is growing and I'm feeling pretty reminiscent. 

This past week, the Vietnamese program in Melbourne went from 4 elders to 9, with another coming in September. 4 came fresh from the MTC, and 1 is finishing his mission here (he was trained with a Vietnamese elder, and was quasi in the program for 6 months of his mission). Oddly enough, I'm not training. I have been placed with one of the Zone Leaders, but am not a ZL. My area has changed from Footscray to North Richmond, and I have a lot of work ahead of me.

So, the baptism that was supposed to happen a week and a half ago is now happening on Friday. I may no longer be her missionary, but she has asked that I perform the baptism! WHOO YEAH! Another of my old investigators is also being baptized on the same day, and at the same time. He is awesome and I'm so grateful to have been a part in bringing them closer to Christ. From the area that I left, there are two other pretty solid people who have grown so much, and are preparing for September 7th. 

The new area has less prospects, and isn't quite as solid, but it's definitely something that can be worked on. I think through loving the people that we teach, and focusing on real conversion. Miracles can and do happen. Hopefully I can see another week of miracles soon.

I have been developing my knowledge and faith in the Atonement this week again. I never get bored with this topic. But I have come to the conclusion that a firm knowledge of the Plan of Salvation is essential to understanding the Atonement. Because of the plan of Salvation, the fall of Adam and Eve, and agency, an atonement was necessary for us to return to God. I love Jesus, I love my Heavenly Father, and I love the Holy Ghost. 

If your faith is waning, and you feel down, pray, ask, study the scriptures and serve more through the spirit of Christ. You will see blessings.

With Love,
An Uncommon Elder
Elder Ryan

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