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End of a Transfer, End of an Era (8-12-13)

So, I'm officially done with my 12 week training. I've now been in two areas, Kingsbridge 2nd Ward in the Bronx, NY, and Footscray, VIC Australia. And I've been informed that I'm getting transferred to a new area tomorrow. :) You'll find out next week.
Now just as all things, there has been some good, and some less good. The good news is that I'm healthy, energized, and out of the funk, so I'm pumped to be a missionary! Whoo Yeah!
The less good news (not bad news) is that the baptism for Sunday was postponed until the 23rd. It was easier for all parties involved.
So as a way of recording, since I am the absolute worst at Journal writing, I'm going to summarize the last 8 weeks here in Melbourne.
So I arrived very tired and don't really remember the first three or four days. I met a lot of people, had serious jet lag, and slept a lot. Then it got better. Here, they call street contacting GQ'ing. When we are GQ'ing, I find it to be the hardest thing ever. Since we can't tract for Vietnamese, we just stalk people on the street. It's horribly ineffective, but it's what we have.
So the first week was mostly that, with a few appointments.
Then, as I got more used to things, we started to go and visit more members and do less active look-ups. Apparently a lot of people move... We've gone to attempt to visit several less-active members just to find they no longer live there. We've also found some fun characters.
I've come to find out that my interest in KPOP makes me uniquely qualified  to connect with the younger male Vietnamese population. They all know Girls' Generation, and I can make song references. It makes me seem more human and less "crazy Jesus freak". Also, through my odd and quirky talents, I can do something that is known as "White Charm". Just by speaking in Vietnamese, people will listen to me for just a little bit. If I don't get their attention soon after that about God, then I've lost the golden opportunity.
I've only eaten a few odd things. Pigs feet, fish cake, and quail. Otherwise it's been pretty normal and easy to handle.

There are a lot of great members here. They love the Lord, and they're faithful to the gospel. There are several people who have recently joined, and their testimonies are so amazing and their dedication is even more impressive. I want to be like them.
If you are looking for some fun reads, the book of Genesis is a little racy, I know understand what really happened in Sodom, and I'm a little surprised with Lot. But it's a good story.
If you want something more uplifting, read the parables, specifically the parable of the prodigal son. You'll learn how every soul is precious, and every repentant sinner is a miracle.
With Love,
Elder Ryan

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